Getting started at PCCF

You have never done CrossFit, or you have some experience but are not comfortable jumping into a group class.


  • Send us an email and we can coordinate a time to chat!

  • You can also call us any time if you would prefer to chat on the phone. Often times we are coaching, but leave a message and will get back to you as soon as we can! 503-479-8461


Skill-based training is necessary before it makes sense to join group classes. Here’s why:

  1. CrossFit uses technical barbell movements that most other high-intensity classes do not use. We are not looking for excellence, but safe movement is our priority.

  2. Allowing someone into a regular group class that has never done some of the technical movements used in CrossFit requires the trainer to focus almost exclusively on the new member at the expense of other attendees.

  3. It has nothing to do with your conditioning. We will take a person that has Olympic lifting or CrossFit experience directly into class, even if their conditioning is poor, but we will not take an Ironman triathlete who has never moved a barbell.

Here is how we make this happen:

We have found that Personal Training is the most effective entry process for long-term success at Pacific Crest. Most people new to CrossFit require between one and three personal training session. Your instructor will work exclusively with you and make sure you are moving safely before entering class. Personal training is $90.00 per session. Call us to discuss personal training!