I am an Oregon girl, born and raised. A lover of the outdoors and the fresh Pacific Northwest air. I am a Mama, an avid crossfitter, and a yogi. I believe in moving the body every day through training, surfing, hiking, or cycling. In an effort to keep my body mobile and healthy for my wide array of active interests, I took up yoga more than a decade ago. I believe in yoga, in all of its benefits, and in sharing it with this fantastic community of athletes.
Although she has practiced Yoga for decades, she became a 200-hour Yoga teacher in 2015, and a CrossFit Coach in 2016. In 2018, Nicole trained under Nicole Aucoin RD as a Healthy Steps Network nutrition coach and has since completed her Precision Nutrition coach’s certification. She has been coaching nutrition clients in both group and individual settings since 2018.
Nutrition Coach
CrossFit L1
CrossFit L2
200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training
Certified Clinical Athlete Weightlifting Coach