Pacific Crest CrossFit is dedicated to teaching you how to train in an effective, safe, and motivating way. All classes are instructor-led and driven by our active community of motivated individuals.

We believe in improvement. We believe in commitment. We believe in work. These are the tools we use to adapt. These are the stones on our path. 


personal Training

  • Goal directed training that focuses are your short-term and long-term results

  • Can be done individually or in small groups

  • Greater level of accountability

  • SCHEDULE now

Crossfit Group Classes

  • CrossFit is done in a group class that harnesses the power of camaraderie and competition

  • The movements are functional, and these movements reflect the best aspects of gymnastics, weightlifting, running, rowing and more

  • Classes are organized into one or all of these 3 phases: Warm-up, Strength or Skill work, High-intensity workout

  • Overall, the aim of CrossFit is to forge a broad, general and inclusive fitness supported by measurable, observable and repeatable results

Crossfit basic GROUP CLASSES

  • CrossFit Basic also uses the group class environment to encourage camaraderie and support.

  • CrossFit Basic is our way to expose new members to the gymnastics & weightlifting movements.

  • Classes are organized into one or all of these 3 phases: Warm-up, Strength or Skill work, High-intensity workout.

  • The aim of CrossFit Basic is to offer a start point for a fitness lifestyle. Not ready for CrossFit group classes just yet? Then Basic is a good place to start

Master's Crossfit Group Classes

  • For age 60+

  • The movements are functional, and focus on gaining strength, coordination and mobility

  • Classes are organized into one or all of these 3 phases: Warm-up, Strength or Skill work, High-intensity workout.

  • Overall, the aim of CrossFit is to forge a broad, general and inclusive fitness supported by measurable, observable and repeatable results.