L3: 5-5-5-5-5 Weighted Pull-up
L2: 5xMR Pull-up
L1: 5xMR Banded Pull-up
50x Double-unders
5x Rope Climbs
40x Double-unders
4x Rope Climbs
30x Double-unders
3x Rope Climbs
20x Double-unders
2x Rope Climbs
10x Double-unders
1x Rope Climbs
40x Double-unders
4x Rope Climbs
30x Double-unders
3x Rope Climbs
20x Double-unders
2x Rope Climbs
10x Double-unders
1x Rope Climbs
50x Single-unders
5x Pulls to standing
40x Single-unders
4x Pulls to standing
30x Single-unders
3x Pulls to standing
20x Single-unders
2x Pulls to standing
10x Single-unders
1x Pulls to standing