5 Minute Rounds:
12x Deadlifts
9x HP Cleans
6x S2OH

Round 1: (95/65) [0:00-5:00]
Round 2: (135/95) [5:01-10:00]
Round 3: (155/105) [10:01-15:00]
Round 4: (185/125) [15:01-20:00]
Round 5: (205/155) [20:01-25:00]

Round 1: (75/45) [0:00-5:00]
Round 2: (95/65) [5:01-10:00]
Round 3: (135/95) [10:01-15:00]
Round 4: (155/105) [15:01-20:00]
Round 5: (185/125) [20:01-25:00]

Round 1: (65/35) [0:00-5:00]
Round 2: (75/45) [5:01-10:00]
Round 3: (95/65) [10:01-15:00]
Round 4: (135/95) [15:01-20:00]
Round 5: (155/105) [20:01-25:00]

*3 Evolutions of the barbell sequence must be completed to advance to the next 5 minute round. If 3 rounds are completed, the athlete changes the weight and immediately moves, so time is banked. Minimum to be completed is 6 rounds.