WOD 1:
5 rounds for time of:
250-m run 
1 clean
Women: 85 | 105 | 125 | 145 | 165 lb.  
Men: 195 | 215 | 235 | 255 | 275 lb.
*Team of 2 both athletes run and clean, cannot start the run until both athletes successfully clean

WOD 2:
6-10-14 reps of:
Deadlifts, 225 | 365 lb. 
Handstand push-ups
Time cap: 7 min.
*Team of 2. Reps are total for the team, alternate as you choose

WOD 3:
For time: 
600-m row
45 chest-to-bar pull-ups
30-ft. back-rack walking lunge 
30-ft. front-rack walking lunge
30-ft. overhead walking lunge 
95 | 135 lb
*Team of 2, both athletes must complete entire workout and may start at the same time